This was such a nice picture to take.
Alex was just home from the hospital
and we were all together to welcome in the new year.
Alex had an emergency appendectomy on December 28th.
It's funny, you never wake up thinking,
"My child is going to have emergency surgery today.".
Both Matthew and Alex have had surgery before,
but it was a planned thing.
This was anything but planned.
Although, having an appendectomy while on winter break,
was a great blessing from heaven.
I couldn't have planned it better myself.
If it had happened even just a few days later,
Alex could have missed a whole semester of college.
Thanks be to God we didn't have to travel that road.
Thankfully we are all back together in one piece.
Well, without an appendix here and there.
Happy New Year.
After 2012, 2013 seems lucky to me.