Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bath Time

Sarah's bath time with Ariel and Cinderella.
(her favorite Princesses)

Good Tomato - Bad Tomato

Kevin is growing tomatoes for the fair and one of the plants took a turn for the worse this week.
We need to find out quick what is making the leaves yellow. One year we put crushed eggshells on top of the soil but we haven't done that yet this year. I told Kevin that it sounds like a question for google. Hopefully he can get it well by the end of February and still enter it in the fair.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who's Poop?





In my small farm, day-to-day life, I come across lots of poop.
It's something I'm always
mucking up,
stepping in,
or sweeping up.
It's just always there.
Here on our small farm on any given day I will encounter, goat poop, horse poop, rabbit poop, cat poop, dog poop, hog poop, bird poop, occasionally rat poop and even lizard poop. So when I stumble across something new it sticks out like a sore thumb. This is poop I cannot identify. And I wonder and want to know, WHOSE POOP IS THIS? My guess would be a possum or raccoon. But this mystery will remain so until I question all my other small farm friends and find someone who can identify this poop. Any ideas out there?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Freeze News

I think this orange tree is O.K.

But I'm not sure this tree will make it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Footie Pajamas

It's cold enough for Footie Pajamas!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's COLD outside !

It has been COLD for several days and this view from the girl's room confirms it.
I knew that I had been in Florida a long time when ..........this morning (at 6:45 AM) as I was getting in the car to take Kevin to school I noticed the usual dew across the windshield. On seeing this I did not hesitate to turn on the windshield wipers and spray them to help clear my view. What you soon forget when you live in South Florida is that if the temperature is below 32 degrees, it is not a good idea to spray your windshield with water.
No, not helpful. Not in the least.
In fact, it will make more ICE.
And ICE is something that makes kids - who live in Florida - smile and wish for snow. Sorry kids. It's not gonna happen.
I don't think.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Feeding Time

From left to right: Athena, Arella, Bethlehem, and our baby buck, Zion.
They are LaMancha dairy goats known for very small ears and gentle temperaments.
If Zion figured it out, the three does should deliver by early spring.


Piggy Sue

Ranae and Piggy Sue
Piggy Sue has gotten bigger. But she is still sweet and loves Ranae to pet her on the nose or scratch her back. And she has finally gotten her pig pen exactly how she likes it. Dirty, messy, and full of deep holes. In the course of decorating she uncovered two old cable lines. At least I'm guessing they're old because we can still turn on the T.V.