Thursday, March 4, 2010

Everything at once.

I know we are not alone in this.
Doesn't everything seem to happen at once?
First there is the fair, which means we are feeding animals in two places every day and we are traveling after school every afternoon to the fair trying to do homework and eat dinner in the car. But on top of that my young one gets pneumonia. And then besides that, my car A.C. thermostat fails which means in 40 degree weather we have no heat on those long car rides to and from the fairgrounds.
And then the septic at the house has a problem.
(Maybe I just won't go into details on that one.)
But what can you do? We just keep plugging along. I can be a good juggler at times. We are all o.k. and having fun. Just a little tired but with big, dusty smiles on all our faces at the end of the day. It could always be worse, right? It could always be busier, right?
Is that the oil light on my car?
Oh, boy.

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