Monday, February 20, 2012

The new chicks in town

 I can explain.
You see, I stopped by the feed store to just buy hay.....
and I was totally minding my own business.....
when the faint sound of "cheeping" came to my ear.
Can you believe that they had a breed of chick I have been wanting?

The Buff Orpington!
And they were all pullets!
What a dream come true!
I couldn't decide between getting 3 or 2,
so I asked the three kids that were with me,
who are, by the way, totally innocent,
how many we should get.
They all answered at the same time, "Three".
So, there are now three new chicks in our small farm life.
The only problem I see, is telling them apart.
As of this writing, I have not seen one difference in their appearance.
We plan to call them Henny, Penny and Jenny.

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