Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Every year Brian and I try to finish wrapping
before the Pope comes on the T.V.

He comes on every year at midnight,
right after "It's a Wonderful Life".
We've never done it.
And this year is no exception.
But it's still a worthy goal that we strive for.

One of my favorite pictures.
And now one of Brian's favorite t-shirts.

Matthew and his "Lord of the Rings" movies.

I am posting this after Christmas,
and little did we know that three days later
Alex would have emergency surgery.
But he's all smiles now:-)

Kevin with his new Alma Mater t-shirt.
Don't you think a knight is such a cool mascot?

Ranae rejoicing!

Sarah was beaming that she was bigger than her present:-)

And SO EXCITED that she got "girl" legos!
Merry Christmas eveyone!

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