Thursday, September 23, 2010

Breeding Season

Jericho is running with the girls.
He has been a busy boy.
Putting him away at night, to let the girls have a rest, is messy.
By messy I mean disgusting.
Bucks have a STRONG odor that is most intense during breeding season.
And when it gets on your hands or clothes it is hard to get off.
It permeates everything.
And besides the ripe billy goat smell, bucks have a few more disgusting habits.
Notice the yellow sheen on Jericho's beard.
That isn't the "natural" color of his hair.
That's from urine.
He pees on his face and forelegs.
On purpose.
To attract the does.
And I hope he has attracted Abra this year.
Because I caught her hiding behind a tree hoping he wouldn't notice her.

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