Friday, May 13, 2011

Muffins for Mom

 Today I got to go to Sarah's preschool!
(Literally one of my favorite places.)
We had muffins
and made necklaces
and colored
and glued
and planted seeds
and all the moms talked
about how we can't believe
that our children will be "graduating" soon
and going to kindergarten in the fall.
~  ~  ~ 
~  ~  ~
Yes.  They will be "graduating".
But I can't help but compare it to my son Alex.
He's a senior and also "graduating" this year.
Only difference is....he's leaving home.
For college.
In 3 months.
~  ~  ~ 
Heavy Sigh.
Stray tear.
~  ~  ~ 
And I'm sure he'll be o.k.
I really think he's ready.
Head screwed on straight and all that.
~  ~  ~
I just hope I will be o.k too.
Kindergarten I'm looking forward to...
College....not so much.

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