Friday, May 27, 2011

OOPS, I did it again....

I can explain.
Just let me tell you the story.
You see, I go to the local feed store often.
And they almost always have day old chicks for sale.
But for years I have never had a chicken house.
So for years I would look but not buy.
Now that I have a chicken house I look but.....
They never seem to have the breed I want.
Or they only have straight runs.
Which means that the boys and girls are mixed together.
And with my luck I would get two roosters.
And we are just not ready for Cock-a-doodle-do.
No not at all.  Maybe never. 
So on this day it was like the stars were all in alignment.
~  ~  ~
1.  I had a chicken house.
~ ~ ~
2.  They had the breed I wanted.  (Americana)
That's the Easter Egg Chicken.
The "Easter Egger".
Americana chickens lay colored eggs.
Blue, Green, Teal.
No kidding.
~  ~  ~
3.  AND they were PULLETS
That means GIRLS!
~ ~ ~
So that's my story.
The story of how Henrietta and Lucy came to our farm.
I am now the proud owner of 4 chickens.
And as each day passes I am more hopeful that I will someday see
a beautiful egg in the hen house.

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