Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Car Turned Over!

Some would say this really isn't a big deal.
 But this was a big deal for me.
I've never owned a car that turned over before.
It was an event I was determined to witness.
And I wanted my children to see it too.
For months I've been counting the miles,
trying to determine when it would happen,
making sure everyone was around to see it.
And so finally we all piled into the family car.
Our 2004 Suburban.
And traveled just down the road to the post office.

Digital readouts aren't as fun to watch as mechanical odometers.
But I whooped and hollered anyway.
And the kids were all there.
And after I stopped celebrating I heard a small voice behind me say,
"But mommy, the car didn't really turn over."
After some careful interrogation I determined that
Sarah, our 6 year old, really thought the car was going to turn over.
Literally turn over.
Physically turn over.
Like a roller coaster.
I asked her if she was scaired waiting for it to happen.
And she said, "No, I was ready!"
I can see how that wasn't as much fun as she imagined.

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