Thursday, February 14, 2013

America Delivers......

.....3 Bucklings.....
On Valentine's Day!

The sable brown one we named Delano.
The one with the black jacket we named Dreamer.
And the runt with the black dorsal stripe we named Diplomat.
But we call him Little Dipper.

Ranae just loves the baby kids.

Sarah cannot get enough of them either.
Thankfully baby goats earn their keep.
First, by being so cute.
And secondly.....
they make it much easier for the girls to get out of bed
EVERY morning and help me feed:)

Talk about incentive.
~ Oh my goodness ~
The runt.
Why does everyone always love the runt SO much?
I guarantee you that when we take these guys to the fair,
I'll get more offers to buy him than any other.
What is it about the runt?

Let's just call it the "Wilbur Syndrome".
The runt is irresistible.

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