Friday, April 18, 2014

Eggs and Rubber boots

You might wonder what eggs and rubber boots have in common.
Well, on our small farm, they do.
About this time of year, every year, we have a bounty of eggs.
It's spring time and close to Easter and the hens are all laying.

Also at this time of year on our small farm,
we are preparing for the rainy season.
We know that all summer it will rain like a hurricane,
and we might have to wade out to the chicken coop
in our rubber boots.
We know that at some point every summer
we will have to tiptoe slowly through the back pasture
so the water doesn't slosh over the top of our boots
and get our toes wet. 
If you look closely at Sarah's pink rubber boots
you will notice that they are torn.
In other words, not water tight.
So new rubber boots are in order.
In fact they are necessary equipment for gathering eggs in summer.
Not to mention a great defense against fire ants and animal poop:-)

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